Board Game Stats
Players: 2 to 5
Ages: 8+
Time to Play: 30 to 60 minutes
All Aboard! This is currently my favorite game in our cupboard. I can't get enough. Easy enough to understand and have fun, but with just enough strategy and intrigue to keep the game alive. I prefer to play with 3-4 players. I find this optimal. Five players makes the game a little too long between turns, but two players makes it far too simple to obtain the routes you most need.
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We only played the Christmas ABC game tonight, but it was fun and funny! I have 3 more games and quizzes that I will take to my parents' house on Saturday. Thanks again!!
Jill K. from California, USA
"I thought I knew a lot of party games, but whenever I go on Perfect Party Games, I learn another one!"
Mandolin P. from Washington, USA
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